Using 340B drug discounts to provide a financially sustainable medication discharge service (Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, January 2019)) 340B discounts enable “covered entities to provide additional services that may not be feasible in absence of the program.”
The Size of the 340B Program and Its Impact on Manufacturer Revenues (The Pew Charitable Trusts, Aug. 8, 2018) “Reducing the size of the program will not impact overall drug spending; rather, any changes to the program will simply reallocate the $6 billion in 340B discounts between hospitals and manufacturers.”
Characteristics of Hospitals Participating and Not Participating in the 340B Program (Government Accountability Office, June 18, 2018) “GAO found that in 2016, compared with non-340B hospitals, 340B hospitals generally provided…higher amounts of uncompensated care.”
The 340B Drug Discount Program Is Fulfilling Its Original Purpose (Health Affairs, March 22, 2019) “340B DSHs treat significantly more low-income patients than non-340B hospitals, provide a disproportionate amount of the nation’s uncompensated and unreimbursed care, and are more likely to provide specialized services that are critical to low-income patients but which are often underpaid.”
Analysis of 340B Disproportionate Share Hospital Services to Low Income Patients (L&M Policy Research, March 12, 2018) “These results continue to support the conclusion that the population of 340B DSHs provides high levels of care to low-income patients and communities.”
Topic: Court Ruling that HHS Unlawfully Imposed 340B Outpatient Payment Cuts
The U.S. District Court’s ruling will help ensure the 340B Drug Pricing Program can continue supporting access to affordable health care in our most vulnerable communities. (Dec. 28, 2018)
Topic: Enforcement of 340B Ceiling Price Transparency for Manufacturers
We welcome today’s decision by the Department of Health and Human Services to respond to our lawsuit by issuing a final rule for enforcing 340B Drug Pricing Program ceiling price transparency and civil monetary penalties starting Jan. 1, 2019. (Nov. 29, 2018)
Topic: Rep. Matsui Introduction of SERV Communities Act
The bill would bring relief to essential hospitals and their patients from damaging Medicare outpatient payment cuts and much-needed accountability for manufacturers in the 340B Drug Pricing Program. (June 12, 2018)
Topic: Flawed Avalere Analysis of 340B Payment Policy in 2018 OPPS
This badly misleading report makes no attempt to focus on or isolate the 340B drug payment policy. Rather, it masks the policy’s damaging impact by conflating it with other unrelated policy changes. (Jan. 29, 2018)
Issue Briefs and Comment Letters
Letter on 340B Ceiling Price and Manufacturer Civil Monetary Penalties Regulation (November 2018)
Our View: 340B Protects Patients and Communities from High Drug Prices (June 2018)
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